5 Dental procedures that are way cheaper in Costa Rica (and just as good)

For years, people from North America have been coming to Costa Rica not only for our lovely and tropical landscapes with balmy weather. But for dental treatments.

Why you ask? Well, because our specialists are just as great but at a fraction of the price of having a procedure done back in United States or Canada. All medical specialists in Costa Rica go through a 5 year specialty at College and must be registered to be a medical practitioner.

And also, you can squeeze a couple of days at the beach while visiting Costa Rica.

Here I talk to you a little about some of the “Best Sellers” amongst the dental clinics here:

Dental Implants

Lost a tooth? Implants can be a tedious and painful process, but most clinics oriented in treating foreign patients make it easier for you. Some of them ask you to send your x-rays beforehand so the procedure is halfway done when you arrive to the clinic.

A dental implant in Costa Rica could vary from $300 to $500 depending on the complexity of what you might need, compared to $1,000 to $1,300 in the USA.


Big restorations

Well, the bigger the work, the longer it takes, some clinics and places offer you special packages for a longer stay, since you might need some treatment and a wait of a week or two to end it. This is the time when you need to feel comfortable and at home, time to relax.

If you need a partial or total denture prices in Costa Rica can go from $600 whilst in the USA start at $2,000


Crowns and Bridges

Crowns are a more common treatment, plenty of adults have crowns in their mouth, but what you want is to be smarter and have them done imperceptibly at a good price.

In Costa Rica there are different types of crowns, from porcelain fused to metal, zirconium or Emax. You can choose, with help from your professional.

Crowns prices in Costa Rica start at $300 while in the USA can go from $1,000


Root Canal

Root Canal can be one of the most painful treatments, this as well is a treatment where you need rest and comfort the following days in order to have a proper recuperation. Root Canals are a progressive procedure, that’s why you might need more than one appointment.

Prices in Costa Rica can start at $300 while in the USA start at $1,000

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While most teenagers have braces when they are growing up, in order to be healthy. In some countries it isn’t affordable, if you are one of these adults that couldn’t get your teeth fixed. Costa Rica’s orthodontics specialists can be your salvation.

You can also choose different types of types, from metallic braces to ceramic or invisalign.

The entire braces treatment can start at $1,000 while in the USA start at $3,000


Disclaimer, these prices are references, each individual treatment and patient has a particular situation and conditions may change. Please contact a clinic or your medical professional for an official quota.

health, LifestyleTravis Traveler