5 Books from costa rican authors you have to see
One way to get to know better a society and it’s people is by reading. Artists and writers have the ability to be very graphic about their country.
In this blog post I mention some books from costa rican authors that’ll paint a picture of how our tropical piece of land:
Costa Rica, cocina y tradición- Isabel Campabadal
In this book you can study traditional recipes with gorgeous pictures of modern presentations. If you come to Costa Rica and try “Cajetas” you’ll be able to recreate them at home.
Mrs. Campabadal has been a renowned chef in Costa Rica for years. Whenever a big personality comes to visit, presidents and royal representatives she is the chosen chef to amaze their tongue.
Costa Rica cocina y tradición, Isabel Campabadal Publicaciones.
Nosotros los hombres- Jorge Debravo
Jorge Debravo was a humble kid raised on the countryside of Costa Rica. Taught to read and write by his own mother, he only had a few years in public education before he was forced to drop out of school. Despite all of this, Drebavo’s brilliant writing blossomed like a rare flower, resilient amid unlikely conditions.
His poetry uses simple words to express beautiful and complex ideas. His depictions of nature, love and human bonding are unparalleled by any other Costa Rican author.
Costa Rica Aérea- Giancarlo Pucci , Sergio Pucci, Jaime Gamboa
This ambitious project was planned and developed by the Pucci brothers, they spent years taking pictures of Costa Rica from the sky. A peculiar perspective of places we as costa ricans know very well but are not used to seeing like this.
They allied with Jaime which is a talented writer (of books and music) to guide us through the landscapes that take our breath away in this book’s pages.
Verbo Madre - Ana Istarú
This has been a wide awarded and translated poems publication, in this women's rights are presented in a colorful and enjoyable way. Ana is a well known representative of the arts in Costa Rica, she counts with experience not only in the written expression but also directing film and theater.
Ana has been a strong activist of the female equality using her art to take the message out there.
Ana Istarú in the eyes of Ricardo Marcenaro
Cocorí - Joaquín Gutierrez
This children's book is one of the most loved books amongst Costa Rican children who up until recently had to read it in school. It tells a story of a black caribbean boy who meets a blonde tourist girl and their interchange of gifts that teaches Cocorí a life lesson.
Cocorí, illustration by Ocho Botas